Wi-Fi Gigabit Router N300
WLR-4004 v1 003
Firmware, driver e altri software
Mac OS
Firmware 1.05
Data di pubblicazione : 21 November 2018 Numero versione : 1.05Improvements:
- The router scans the environment for surround networks. This is done every 24 hours. Based on the results the router will automatically switch to a different WiFi channel to improve the speed and stability of the WiFi signal. This switch will be done at night so the customer experience will not be hindered.
-There's an extra page available on the 2.4GHz WiFi page inside the routers web interface where the connected WiFi clients are shown. Signal strength and transmitted and received bytes are shown, among other things.- On the 2.4 GHz WiFi settings page inside the routers web interface it's now possible to set the WiFi mode to '802.11n only'. This will exclude older 802.11b and/or 802.11g clients and can improve the speed of the WiFi network.
- After enabling the guest network it's no longer possible to disable it. An error message is shown. This problem is now fixed.
Firmware 1.04
Data di pubblicazione : 20 January 2016 Numero versione : 1.04- Improved stability and possibly higher data throughput of the WiFi signal in crowded 2.4GHZ environments. This is achieved by automatically dropping the channel width to 20MHz of other 20MHz signals are detected in the environment.
- A 'Check for updates' button is added on the firmware update page. This can be used to manually check for firmware updates on the Sitecom servers. An automatic check is done once a week. When an update is found, a pop-up will be shown in the user interface.
- 2 messages regarding the automatic firmware update function are added in the system log: 'New firmware detected' and 'No new firmware detected, new check in xxxxx seconds'. When a new firmware is detected, a special update page will be shown where the update can be performed.
- On the startpage of the webinterface, the versionnumber is added to the modelnumber.
- Userinterface login issue with the Microsoft Edge browser is fixed. -
Firmware 1.0
Data di pubblicazione : 13 May 2015 Numero versione : 1.0Original firmware
Firmware 1.03
Data di pubblicazione : 13 May 2015 Numero versione : 1.031.03
- Patch for WAN DHCP unicast release issue1.02
- Patch for CE EN300328 1.8.1 update1.01
- Update header image in webGUI with correct image1.00
- Original Firmware
- Numero versione 1.05 21 November 2018
- Numero versione 1.04 20 January 2016
- Numero versione 1.0 13 May 2015
- Numero versione 1.03 13 May 2015
Full Manual
Full Manual English
CE Declaration of Conformity
Codice sorgente
GNU/GPL Source Code
GNU/GPL Source Code
GNU/GPL Source Code
GNU/GPL Source Code
Open Source
Availability of source code
This product contains open source software, including software licensed under the GNU General Public License (GPL) v2/v3 and/or the Lesser/Library General Public License (LGPL) v2/2.1/3. As per the license terms of these licenses Sitecom Europe B.V. offers to send you the source code for the open source components in this product on a CD/DVD for up to three years after support for this product has stopped for a charge of EUR 10. Please note that the source code of the firmware might already be on the support CD/DVD that is shipped with your product.To get a copy of the software, please send an e-mail to gpl-request@sitecom.com or write to Sitecom Europe B.V., P.O. Box 12040, 3004GA Rotterdam, The Netherlands. Please specify the device type and version number when contacting us to ensure smooth handling of your request. For your convenience you may also find the source code for the latest supported firmware version on the product’s website during the time the product is supported. If you cannot find the source code for the relevant firmware please contact us.
- GNU/GPL Source Code Numero versione 1.05
- GNU/GPL Source Code Numero versione 1.04
- Open Source Numero versione 1.03